Wednesday, August 31

Class Starter: Youth Radio Podcast & Blog – You need headphones for this!
Take the first 15 minutes of today’s class to look around YOUTH RADIO.
Notice who is doing the talking and see what it is that they are talking about.
•Listen to an podcast episode from Stresses of High School by, Grace Vaughan Brekke

Be prepared to share your thoughts in class.

Class Activities:

#1 – Finish turning 25 APPS – Google Doc in shared assignment folder.

#2 – Work on your WordPress blog.

Monday, August 29

Class Starter:  Chris Hadfield’s blog from space.

Blogging your story is one of the most powerful ways to share a unique experience with a huge audience.  Here’s a blog that takes the reader to a place nobody else can go!
Check it out.

Class Activities:

#1 – Successfully start a WordPress Blog Website

Open a free WordPress account using a personal email address.

Follow these instructions:

  1. Go to WordPress to create a profile and use a NON-school email address to sign up.
  2. Click on “start a free blog”
  3. Choose a template
  4. Enter a domain or keyword.  If your domain is available, select the free version.  It will look something like this:   “keyword”
    *tip: make it short, memorable, easy to type.
  5. Select a free plan
  6. Enter your email address and create a password.  (jot it down somewhere, just in case you forget what it is!)
  7. Once your blog is up, make your first blog post.

Thursday, August 25

Class Starter: Google Doodle

Just to get our creative juices flowing, we will watch this video about Lotte Reigniger.  What does this have to do with Google Doodle?

Class Activities: Create a shared folder on your Google Drive and turn in your first assignment by creating a Google Doc inside of it.

Today you will create a shared folder inside the DBA fold that you have already added to your Google Drive. You will turn in all of your assignments by placing them in this folder which will be shared with me, your teacher.

It’s easy!
Just follow the following steps:
  1. Log in to your your Alpine School District gmail account and find the application grid in the top right corner of the tool bar.
    Click on the grid and select the Drive icon. This will open your drive folder.
  2. Find DBA folder which you should have already created and click on it to open it.
  3. Click on the red “new” buttonnew-button to select “folder” .
    This will open a box for you to name the folder. Name the folder “LAST NAME, First name”  and click “create”.  You will now see a folder in your Drive.
  4. Right-click on your folder to open a list of options. Click “share” google-drive-share-icon
    This will open a box where you must share this folder with me, Amy Bury by typing in my email address:
    Make sure that my name pops up and Hit “send”.
  5. Now you have your assignment folder and you have shared it with me. When you double-click on it you can see a space where you can drag and drop files from your computer to your shared folder on your drive and you are ready to turn in your assignments for this class!

First Graded Assignment: Write a review of this blog article from TED.

Take time to read through the blog article.  Next go to your new shared folder and open it. From there, hit the “new” button and select Google Docs icon.  This will open a document where you will put your name on the top, a title of the article, and then just tell me what you think of it.   Google Docs will auto-save your work!  If you have your folder shared, and this document inside of it, you will get full credit for this assignment!     ( worth 50 points)

Welcome to Fall Semester


It’s the beginning of the 2016 Fall Semester and there are a few easy but important things to do before we get started:


  1. Go to your school email inbox and find an email from me  Reply to my email and tell me what name you like to go by and which class you are in.  (B2 or B3)
  2.  Make a folder on your Google Drive and name it “DBA”. This is where you will keep all of your work for this class.
  3. Take a Card!
    This Semester we are trying something new to replace passing out a course disclosure.  In class today I will give you my class card with all of my contact info and a QR Code which will take you directly to “The Basics” web page.  Share this with your parents so that they can see what we will be doing.